Events and Updates

to Feb 16

Volume IV Submissions Open

Submit to Catharsis Volume IV before February 16th! You can find the submission form link and guidelines under the Contribute tab. As a reminder, we accept nonfiction written by UIowa undergrads of any major. Nonfiction broadly encompasses many genres including memoir, essay, travel writing, poetry, narrative, analysis/critique, and reporting (Gonzo journalism/alternative journalism). One of our main goals as a publication is to fight the misconception that nonfiction is all boring, textbook-like informational writing by exposing our readers to diverse styles. We hope to inspire writers to explore and give new genres a try. Any form of writing, no matter how creative, artistic, abstract, opinionated, funny, dramatic, or dreamlike can be nonfiction as long as the story it tells is true.

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Volume III Launch Party

Volume III of Catharsis is almost here and, spoilers, it’s a good one. Grab your own copy and celebrate with us in the Dey House’s Glenn Schaeffer Library on February 2nd at 3 pm. After a few words from our team, we’ll listen to some readings from the magazine, and if you were one of the writers published, consider signing up to share! If you need help deciding whether or not you should come, there will be snacks. There may even be a cake with our cover art printed on it, but don’t quote me on that. All the cool people are gonna be there.

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Mission Creek Small Press & Literary Magazine Bookfair

Mission Creek Small Press & Literary Magazine Bookfair

Catharsis is excited to have a table at the Mission Creek Bookfair again this year! We will be there along with many of the other UIowa campus mags. Stop by to say hi to us, and check out the plethora of other lit mags and indie publishers. You may want to bring some cash… not more than you’re willing to spend, though… not for us, of course. We’re always free. Keep a lookout for other Mission Creek events going on April 3rd-5th including both paid and free music performances, lit walks, readings, and the ICE CREAM comics and zine fair. The Bookfair is a perfect opportunity for non-students to engage with the university’s undergraduate publications, learning about what we do and leaving with a pile of new reading material! (graphic from @missioncreek on Instagram)

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Iowa City Book Festival Book Fair

Iowa City Book Festival Book Fair

Catharsis is excited to participate in the Iowa City Book Festival Book Fair alongside other campus magazines,

local publications, and small presses. Come visit our booth and check out all the organizations in the lineup.

Graphic from the @iowacityoflit Instagram page.

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Issue 3 Submissions Open
to Oct 20

Issue 3 Submissions Open

Submit to Issue 3 of Catharsis! Click the Contribute tab to find our Microsoft Forms which include submission guidelines. We’re interested in nonfiction work of any kind, including but not limited to narratives, poetry, travel writing, memoirs, imaginative nonfiction, lyric essay, personal essay, literary journalism, and historical essay/archival. We can wait to read your work!

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