Contribute to Catharsis

Volume IV submissions are open until Sunday, February 16th at 11:59 pm.

The link above leads to a Google form which requires a login. Our submission guidelines are explained at the top. We ask that aspiring contributors read the entire form closely and make any necessary adjustments ahead of time.

Maintaining writers’ anonymity is paramount during our selection process, but we recognize a lot of creative nonfiction works are centered around the writer’s personal experiences. Contributors shouldn’t worry about Catharsis staff potentially recognizing them from the contents of their work, but submissions that explicitly reveal the contributor’s identity within the text have to be disqualified. The guidelines explain what to do if a piece states the contributor’s name.

We can’t wait to read everyone’s work! Reminder to keep up with our events, including the very exciting launch of Volume III. We wish our peers good luck and successful locking-in this spring semester!